Art and Time | Media


The studio for Art and Time | Media (prev.  Art and Digital Media) offers students a program that analyses and conveys contemporary terms of art and artistic practices in view of medial discourses and digital cultures. 

This program focuses on the development of artistic methods arising from the intensive investigation of a variety of discourses and fields. Digital culture serves as the central interface from where aspects of the time-based media (film / video / TV, forms of theater and performance, architecture, Sound Art, net-based technologies, Game Cultures) are targeted, and from which advanced artistic productions ( New Genres are expected to arise. 

This aim (i.e., operating system plus interface) can be interpreted as a kind of mixing board channeling artistic practice through the syntax of digital cultures and the New Media in order to create new, contemporary scripts . Such positioning focusses on the critical analysis of socio-political and cultural contingencies of the development of media technology as a main field of reference for present-day artistic work.