Art and Time | Media

Conference: Algorithmic Regimes Conference

Algorithmic Regimes and Generative Strategies – On Regulatory Politics of Code and Machines

A World-Information Institute international conference on the agency of algorithms in culture and society.

Friday September 25 | 11:00–20:00
Vienna University of Technology
Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Vienna, Austria

“Algorithmic Regimes and Generative Strategies” wants to mobilize the critical perspectives of researchers, artists and activists, to open the field for a wider and more diverse debate.

TWITTER: #algoregimes

Konrad Becker, Felix Stalder Conference Editors – With Thomas Sturm, Antoinette Rouvroy, Reinhard Kreissl, Btihaj Ajana, Katja Mayer, Francesca Musiani, Olga Goryunova , Paolo Ruffino, Gerald Raunig and Peter Purgathofer,

World-Information Institute <> in cooperation with the Institute for Design & Assessment of Technology at the Vienna University of Technology, Faculty of Informatics. Supported by SHIFT Vienna and BKA Kunst