Art and Time | Media

Guest Lecture: Imogen Stidworthy

Distance Plays Tricks
MO 13.11.2006 | 5pm
KDM – Ordinariat für Kunst und digitale Medien
Semperdepot 1.Stock – Medienklasse (I27)
Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 6 – 8, 1060 Wien

Imogen Stidworthy will present recent work in which speech and other sounds can be experienced as an acoustic topography. This sonic material implies an intertwining of very different kinds of space; bodily, architectural, cultural, linguistic, private, urban, geographical, social, mental felt, imagined, or remembered. Speech, bodily sounds and the sounds of physical spaces are organised into porous sonic structures, reflecting on social and cultural structures of particular contexts.

Imogen Stidworthy is currently a tutor at Piet Zwart Institute, Rotterdam, and Advising Researcher at Jan van Eyck Academy, Maastricht, The Netherlands. Her work is represented by Matts Gallery, London and Galerie Hohenlohe, Vienna.